Saturday, March 21, 2009

Marching Order - 4
Seek and You Will Find
Updated 3/24/11
Matthew 7: 7 - 8 - "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Seek. If you are reading this and you're a Christian on the run from the beast, seek the Holy Spirit of Power. All of the verses in the Bible about nothing being impossible for you and God to accomplish together are coming true, and if the Spirit has not yet reached your area pray for it and seek it. (Note: God will not just let you move mountains if He doesn't want that particular mountain to move at that time. We have to seek God to see what He will want us to do, and if that includes moving mountains, then the mountains will move.) The Spirit will be passed person to person and will not just be given, it also must be received. The enemy is going to be coming after the Christians right away so it's key for us to stand firm in our faith to whatever end. The Power is coming, so pray, seek, find, receive, enjoy, fight, win, go from victory unto victory.

Note: I now believe that when God pours out the Holy Spirit of Power that people will be given different gifts of the Spirit based on God's Individual Plan for them. This, I believe, is seen in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 : 14 - 30 where one man was given five talents and he made five talents more, and one man was given two talents and he made two talents more, but the man who was given one talent did nothing with what was given to him. The two servants who took their talents and used them wisely to increase the happiness of their master were called good and faithful servants, but the one who did nothing with what the master had given to him was rebuked. In the coming days we are to labor for our Master in the harvest fields no matter how many individual gifts and talents we have been individually given, and we are to work together as a team in harmony with one another as God leads and guides. Everyone's contribution matters to God.


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