Sunday, March 15, 2009

This Means War
God is Leading us in a Revolution back to the Truth
Updated 2/4/11
God's people need to prepare their hearts now for the greatest struggle that will ever be waged. It's coming hard and fast and it's going to hit like a ton of bricks, and sadly, many may be taken by complete surprise. Forget about the rapture. Why would God pull His Holy Army out of the ultimate fight to go have a party when there are so many souls that He still wants to keep who are still in the precarious balance? And wouldn't Jesus' concern be with the sheep that are still missing? And what was that about picking up a cross? "What's a cross"? Shouldn't our soft western faith be tested with suffering and sacrifice like the Saints of old, or like our brothers and sisters who've lived under the constant threat of death by Communism?

Christian, something worse then Communism is at the gate, and if you call on the name of Christ you're a warrior of faith and love now, whether you like it or not. The same dark forces that will come for your public heroes, defenders, leaders, teachers, pastors and evangelists will come for you in time, and you will not be able to avoid the conflict. God's desire is to, in the end, redeem you and take you home to Heaven, but it's time for you first to show your mettle.

Since the first wave of the assault will most likely be against the leaders, the rank and file Christians need to know that they are expected to step up and fight the good fight of faith, down to the last man. The Holy Spirit of Power will be poured out on the earth and spread from person to person, but there may be a period of time before it reaches every corner of the earth, and the enemy will most likely try to begin his process of eradicating Christians right from the get go. Before the Spirit arrives, it will be a true testimony to God if Christians can hold together under the enemy's evil onslaught. Remember, where two or more are gathered in Jesus' Name He will be there; and no matter where we are, God will be there for us; but our only hope of staying faithful is by continually seeking His Face, and seeking His Holy Spirit's Strength.

Once it's begun, trust God and ask Him simply to meet you in the depths of your trial with the grace to overcome the World. God is about to change life as we know it, and everything must be settled in the next 7 or so years before we then begin the period of time where Christ lives among us and rules us as our Righteous King. Though it will be the fight of our lives, if we, by His Grace, are victorious in our own personal contests of loyalty to Jesus verses our love for this world and the fear of death, then we can approach the throne of Grace with our heads held high unashamed, knowing full well that we belong to Jesus.


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