Saturday, March 21, 2009

Marching Order - 5
Read the Word for Guidance and be Amazed
Updated 2/4/11
2Timothy 3 : 16-17 - "All Scripture is God - breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be throughly equipped for every good work."

God speaks though the Bible, and it's amazing how every time I read it God says something new. I think that's because, though the Bible stays the same, the context of our lives change and different verses that we read on one day in one context may not speak to us, but then when our context changes that same verse will be applied to our hearts for the exact instruction that the Spirit wants to give us. Very soon, the context of all of our lives is about to change in a most dramatic way, and you'll be amazed at what the Bible is saying to you. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit of Power, verses that you didn't understand before like, Matthew 17 : 20 -"He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'" will make total sense.

Up until now we have had to read this verse like Jesus must have meant something other then what He plainly said. This must have been a figurative mountain or otherwise how could He be telling us the Truth? But now since the Father Himself is moving so close to us, this verse has a whole new context for us. When God is this close, bringing this kind of Power to His Children, who will receive His Holy Spirit of Power, what was impossible yesterday will be ordinary tomorrow.

As spiritual warriors it will be up to us to stay connected to Christ like the branch to the vine, and God will direct the battle. I'm pretty sure that He is going to raise up His Servant, His 2 Witnesses, Judges, Captains, and Administrators to lead, and perhaps some of them will come from the 144,000. As a member of the Body of Christ we will not have to reach the whole world by ourselves, but we will all be working together as an integrated team, and God will have special missions for, and use the gifts of, each of His Spiritual Warriors.

Not only will our role be as protectors of the saved and the lost, but we are also called to love the lost, encourage the weak, heal the sick, feed the hungry, bring freedom to the captives, drive out demons, and win the lost souls to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. Lost souls are treasure in the Eyes of the Lord. God loves them and wants them, and the devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy them.

In the Old Testament God told His Children to take the land and slay their enemies, and then in the New Testament God told His Children to love their enemies in the hopes that they would come to a saving faith in Christ. It will not be our job to hunt down and eliminate everything that we see as evil, and God will lead in how we should live. God will have the wheat and the weeds grow side by side, and it will be key for everyone to listen to the Spirit on how we can be involved in the harvest as we labor together as the Body of Christ.

Finally, before you receive the Holy Spirit of Power, defend yourself with force from rampaging civilians, but not from governmental authorities, until you have received the Holy Spirit of Power. Once God's Power has come upon us we should be able to discern who to oppose and who to protect. Seek the Spirit of Power, because as of now, I'm pretty sure that God will give Him to specific people of faith to begin with, and then He will be passed on person to person. However, I'm also not sure of the timing of when this outpouring will take place.

How will you know if you've received the Spirit of Power? Ask God what you can do together to show you that the Power is there. Jesus said you could do something like uproot a tree and throw it into a lake. So if that's what God puts on your heart to try and if the tree doesn't fly, you don't have Him yet, keep seeking. If you love the Lord Jesus and want the Spirit of Power keep praying like the widow who demanded justice in Luke 18 : 5 - "yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!" and God will bring it to you. Zechariah 4 : 6b - " ..... 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty."

The context of our lives are all about to change, and we can count on God to speak to us through the Bible all the way to the Promised Land.


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